PANCRACE BESSA (Paris 1772 - 1835 Ecouen)
Salvia leonuroide
tempera over graphite on parchment. 10 1/8 x 7 7/8"; image: 7 1/4 x 4 11/16". signed l/l: P.Bessa.
One of the most notable 19th century painters of flowers and fruit, Bessa studied with and then collaborated with Redoute. He contributed to some of the most famous botanical illustration works of all time including Description des Plantes cultivees a Malmaison a Navarre. Bessa's most notable work is L'Herbier Generale de L'Amateur, by Mordant de Launey and Loiseleur Longchamp, 1810-1837. His colors are saturated and his technique is superb. The engraving of this image was executed by Barrois.